Monday 1 December 2008

The Little Things

Isn’t it funny how the little things make your day better? You could be having one hell of a bad day but still notice the little things that make you smile.
It happened to me a couple of times today, the first of which was disregarding superstition. I was on my way to Sainsbury’s to get some shopping done, when I come across the bridge over Queen St. Station. For anyone who doesn’t know, that’s the one that’s been fenced off with traffic controlling measures for I don’t know how long. Seriously, I haven’t been living in Glasgow long enough to know how long.

Anyway, in the middle of the day there’s usually a lot of people trying to cross it and getting in each others way as we try to pass through the area we’ve been told is safe to walk across. Today was worse than usual as a man on a ladder was posting a new advert on a billboard. This split the pavement in two, with everyone using the section that didn’t pass under this mans ladder. Personally I don’t care what other people do, but it still made me smile as I saw people stare at me as I walked under the ladder. That’s right, I walked under it, the fates be damned!
I would’ve done the same again on my return journey except the street was now empty and to walk under the ladder for shits and giggles would be rather weird and pretty pointless since it would mean I would actually have to go out of my way to do it.

The second incident to happen today was due to my new psychology lecturer. I’m still smiling as I type this because that class has brightened my day considerably. He’s quite amusing and held my attention for the full hour. To be quite honest, if he had held my attention for more than five minutes, I would’ve considered it a raging success. In addition to this, he’s not afraid to make a fool of himself and drop down, not only to our level, but further still. This I learned when he used a music video of a band to illustrate a point.

A teacher trying to make the subject interesting through use of videos and music? Ridiculously normal, I know. However, how many teachers would willingly show you a clip from a chart show featuring a band they, themselves were in back in 1996. They’re called the Diggers and I have been informed by a friend that they would’ve been part of the first wave of Indie. Our lecturer, their drummer, was rather pleased that he couldn’t get the sound to work. I’m curious as to why this is a source of embarrassment and will no doubt take some morbid joy from informing him that I could quite easily acquire a copy of his CD from the internet.

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